Saturday 26 May 2007

my story

A Story of a Real Survivor of Institutional Abuse - 'Survivor' is a contributor to Dads Place [FORUMS] I was born on the 23rd January 1968. In 1977 at the age of nine years old I was taken into the care of the local authority by the then, Sunderland Borough Council's, Social Services Department. As a child I was considered to be a 'problem child' and I lived with my mother who was a single parent. During my early years my behaviour was such that my mother enlisted the support of Sunderland Social Services, and together, they decided that the care home system was the only way to control me. I understand that the reason I was taken into care was due to the fact that I had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). On or about 25 January 1977 I was placed in a local authority assessment centre and I remained there for one a half years. Between 18 July 1977and 26 August 1977 I was placed in a childrens' home in Northumberland. I was returned to the assessment home between 26 August 1977 and 16 February 1978 before being transferred to another home in Sunderland, until September 1978, when again I was moved back to the assessment home. On 8 January 1979 I was moved to a very notorious home and I left care completely shortly before my 16th birthday. Stannington Grove Hospital Before I was subjected to a care order, at the age of six I was admitted to Stannington Grove Hospital. I recall on a daily basis having been subjected to abuse. I was frequently being punched and hit by other children. The staff chose to do nothing about it. Emsworth House Assessment Centre When I first entered Emsworth House I was eight years old. I recall clearly, being taken to a side room with my mother. I ran away from the home shortly after admission and the only reason was simply to be with my mam. My punishment for running away was to regarded as a runaway risk and I was therefore treated like a prisoner. The secure unit was like a cell. I remember that there were no light switches or door handles on the inside of the room and there was one plastic light fitting in the centre of the ceiling. In the door to the room there was a single square window which looked out onto the hall outside. The glass of course was reinforced. The bed was a rudimentary block with a mattress sat on it. The mattress and the pillows all had plastic covers on and there was no real bedding to speak of. Anyway I had to be content with my surroundings as I was required to spend seventeen hours in the secure unit each day. I have horrible memories of long nights spent in that room and it would true to say that suicide crossed my mind on many occasions. I stole a knife from the class room, during the day, to cut my wrists. I hid it under the mattress. I never did go through with it I was allowed out of the secure unit during the day to attend a class room. I have distinct memories of an old lady who clearly liked her job., who used to teach in the class. She regularly placed drawing pins on my chair and forced me to sit on them. She was also very fond of the ruler as a means of corporal punishment and she would often strike my knuckles with it. Another feature of class was the dunce hat, it was a conical hat, like you see in the cartoons. We would be made to wear this hat at times when we were considered to have done something wrong or stupid. My education was not furthered because of any of my time spent in that class room. In the secure unit I would be forced to go without clothes and had to go for periods of time, naked. Not only was this very cold but it was also degrading for an eight year old boy. Night times were especially bad at Emsworth. I recall one male worker who would visit my room on a night and stand outside of my room looking through the glass at me. He would then switch the light on quickly for five to twenty minutes. This used to be make me very scared. I can see no other reason why he would do this at all, other than to make me frightened. The same member of staff also abused me sexually. He had previously been a priest. He used to fondle my genitals and he would pull my pyjama bottoms down. At the time my hair was like Michael Jackson's and my pyjama top had a picture of Michael Jackson on it. This man made me masturbate him. He also raped me which caused me intense pain. To this day it is extremely traumatic to talk about the sexual abuse I was subjected to. Witherwack House the Most Notorious On 8 January 1979 I was transferred to Witherwack House, it was a couple of weeks before my eleventh birthday. As far as I know I was the very first resident in the home after it opened and I remained there until 1984. This was to be the worst five years of my live. Almost immediately after moving to Witherwack House I was subjected to constant physical and psychological abuse by members of staff and 'care' workers. I was constantly picked on by members of staff who dragged me around by my neck; punched me, grabbed me by the testicles, gave me black eyes and a broken nose. I was also forced into a bath of hot water and then cold water. When I was alone the staff beat me, punching me repeatedly with both fists in the stomach and my head, causing great pain. During one such instance I screamed and cried for them to stop but they just kept on beating me. I begged them and still it went on. I was also sexually assaulted by a male member of staff who later became involved with child protection. He informed me that he would single me out for punishment The forms of punishment employed by the staff at Witherwack House included restraint techniques. On one occasion my arm was held up my back so badly my shoulder blade needed medical treatment. My thumb would be bent backwards. until it touched my forearm. This was done at least daily and was extremely painful. I suffer from epilepsy and I believe this was caused by my head being hit of objects. This was not reasonable punishment and force being used - this was eveil. I often heard screams of other residents being abused. Indeed I witnessed a rape of a girl who was eight or nine at the time - I tried to intervene but I was beaten senseless for my trouble - it was the best kicking of my life. I was assaulted at least five or six times a day. On one occasion I was raped. Children were encouraged to have sex with each other and if we didn't we would be kicked and beaten all over again. I was also bullied by other children at the home, by the order of the staff - I carry the scars on my head to prove it. Even now I have flashbacks and nightmares about the abuse. My life has been spoiled as a result of the abuse I have suffered, I do not trust people and sit and study people to try and understand them because I still feel people want to hurt me. I believe that the Director of Social Services was fully aware of the abuse that went on as was the Assistant Director of Social Services. Today and Tomorrow........... As a result of my experiences I have avidly campaigned against child abuse and spoken with local and national media on many occasions to spread the message and raise the awareness of child abuse amongst the public. In a similar way to when I was in care when I felt it was my duty to absorb the abuse suffered by others, I continue to feel it is my responsibility as a survivor, to try and prevent it happening to others. I have canvassed my local MP and the Government for 15 years; I was awarded damages, but not Justice.


Anonymous said...

Dear Brian,

I used some of this on my blog

Hope that's OK.

Best wishes


Jill Havern - CMOMM said...


I am simply stunned and choked to read what you've written here.

I don't know how you will mend, but I pray that you do. I have been a victim of abuse, but that was as an adult not a young child and I was old enough to understand it, even if I've never been able to accept it.

But a child cannot understand why adults hurt them like that and the damage is done before they can try to understand. Fact is, there can be no understanding because adults should never hurt children, especially adults who are in a position of supposed caring and trust - those whose job it is supposed to be to care for children who are taken from parents deemed not fit to care for them themselves.

I do think that writing about your experiences can help to unburden yourself - unburden is probably the wrong word because the experience will always be a burden, but I hope you know what I mean by the benefits of writing about it and making people aware of what happened.

I wish there was something I could say to wipe away all those wicked, miserable years you suffered and I'm deeply sorry that you did suffer.

I hope you won't mind but I'd like to put your story on my blog in some effort to help raise awareness of what happens to children in care homes. I am currently following the cases about Haute de la Garenne, Baby P and Madeleine McCann and how there seems to be a cover-up of the truth.

Justice should never be denied to anyone, let alone children.

God bless,


nickki said...
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Church Survivors said...

Dear Brian

We wish you lots of luck and strength in the pursuit of justice. It should be our right to a fair trial but as you hvae documented so well - so often that right is denied in sex abuse cases.

If anyone has information on Rev Peter Lister formerly of Morpeth - we are all ears. he escpaed prosecution when the Police missed out certain dates in the statements and replaced them with wrong dates; as a result, the Judge stopped the trial from proceeding. Interestingly, at that time, Mr/Reverend Peter Lister was the Director of Education in Northumberland/Newcastle.

Feel free to send us info and say hello, you can email us on:

nickki said...

brian, i cant move on frm wat happenend 2 me in care. i think im ready 2 know get it all out my mind the sexual abuse ive spoke about, the phyiscal abuse frm other staff i neva shared yet. i think im ready. i cant get ova the sexually abuse . i feel like a freak at times . i still have nightmares of him cuming in my room , n the pain. hand ova my face lack of air i have panick attacks , wet the bed at times n sleep walk n hide in a ball behind things! im 29 i have 2 kids . i want 2 b normall. can u help by telling me hows my way forward?? Gp? help line? im lost dying inside wanting 2 move on but how! love nickki.x

Brenda Curry - Straight Talk On Street Life said...

Nova Scotia Youth Home Sex Abuse Scandel ~ The Untold Truth
Open Group

Zoompad said...

I was at Chadswell Assessment Centre, which was renamed several times, the Wissage and Riverside are two other names. I was put there because I had been raped by a family member and my parents didnt know how to handle my subsequent behaviour - I kept playing truant and locking myself into a room to scream, so they called Cocial Services and I had a Social Worker called Cynthia Weaver. They put me in that "home" which was an Approved School as a "Place of Safety". But it was not very safe, as the people there were raping kids, letting other people come into the home to have sex with kids. I didnt get raped while I was there, but I did get physically assaulted and locked into a cell for I dont know how long, because they kept the light on day and night and I became disorientated. They had two cardboard boxes of cloths which were full of uniforms, they made us take off our clothes and put a uniform on, and the girls uniform was made out of sort of diagonal striped stretchy stuff, with a thin belt of the same materiel.

I also used to curl up in a corner and shake, its hard to ever feel safe again, I am on the autistic spectrum, Aspergers Syndrome is genetic in our family, that does not make me stupid, but it means that I react very badly when I am under a lot of stress, and they put me in a psychiatric hospital for a year, because I was smearing urine snot and crap all over the cell and screaming and attacking anyone who came in to the cell. An expert in Aspergers Syndrome I have since seen told me that was a natural animal reaction, wild animals do the same sort of thing, to mark territory and to keep themselves safe. I sometimes freeze, and go completly blank, and people have to wave their hands in front of my face, but the trauma is still there, you cant "get over" it because you fear more persecution from people who are determined to cover it all up. I was dragged through the family court over a 7 year period, it was malicious whet they did to me, they wont let me have a life, its like they are lurking round waiting to pounce.

Ruby said...

I was abused in a Northumberland care home in the 70s by an older boy in the home. I was 4 when I entered the home and thats when it started. He abused my brother and other kids in the home. The staff knew he was a 'risk'but 'kept an eye on him. For gods sake I had to share a room with him and my brother. He would take turns in raping us. I told a staff member but got told to stop telling tales
I was fostered by a couple with a daughter the same age as me. It was at thier hands that I suffered mental & emotional abuse. After 3 years I returned to the home. The older boy had left.

I tried unsucessfully to kill myself at 15, I was a mess on the inside but pretending to be ok on the outside. When I was about 17 there was alot of news about childline, another girl in the home said she was abused in the past and it started an investigation. It turned out that the abuser was living in Newcastle with a wife and kids. I got told he was cautioned but that was it, no support for the people who had suffered.

Today I am in my 40s, one child, single mother, suffering badly from flashbacks,used to abuse alcohol but my child curbed that. I am probably going to lose my job because I can't focus. I am having councelling and medication. I have good days when I feel on top of the world and others when I want to tell the world to F off.

I am not sure why I have put this here but I guess it helps to know that I am not alone

Take care

Church Survivors said...

ACAL: The association of child abuse lawyers is a great source of help and advice:

butlincat said...

More power to you all. May God have mercy on these perverts youve describeds souls - theyre gonna need it!...b.

pie 'n' mash films said...

Your courage and the courage of many other victims and survivors of abuse to tell their tragic stories helps to empower other victims to come forward.
Your strength and unity displayed in our film ANGELS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE was an inspiration and we were proud to involve you.
Keep punching.
'God bless all victims and survivors'
From all at Pie and Mash Films.

Readers can view ANGELS AGAINST CHILD ABUSE online free of charge:

Annie said...

I cry and my heart hurts reading your story. What kind of person does this. I recognize the pain, the confusion and the triumph in your life to be able to talk about it, campaign against the repetition and reach out to others. It is so important to tell our stories until everyone hears and joins the fight which is simply to protect the children that are the future. I will share this on my page. and we will work out the details to get it on my website as well <3Peace to you my new friend.
Annie O'Sullivan, Can You Hear Me Now?

Zoompad said...

ACAL are crap. I phoned up the man who is at the top, Peter something, he didnt want to know, he made an excuse that he was going to a meeting to avoid talking to me. He said in a Government consultation that only 2% or 3% of abuse victims had been abused institutionally, no wonder if people like him are acting as gatekeepers!

Rev Peter Lister, have a look at this. Peter was ordained to the diaconate at Bourne Abbey in 2010 by the Bishop of Grantham, the Rt. Rev.Dr. Tim Ellis.

Zoompad said...

Oh my goodness! Look what I have found!

Fr Chris Atkinson CHILD ABUSE


Tip: Looking for answers? Try searching our database.

Documents 1 - 1 of about 1

Stephen King Child sex ""expert"" 2004
... Prevention of Cruelty to Children condemned King's sentence as too lenient. Chris Atkinson, a child safety expert with the charity, said: "This case clearly shows the extraordinary ... crack about the victims of Stephen King the London Child Abuse ...

Lister - if its the same man, have a look at the picture - works with Fr Chris Atkinson!!!!!

I wonder if it is the same man, and if it is, does Atkinson know?

Zoompad said...

The wife of one is called Jenny, the other is called Pauline. They look like the same woman to me, with a different hairstyle.

He looks the same as well, only his hair is different, he has more hair and its darker. So did Frank Sinatra after he had hair transplant, but you can also get very good toupees.

If I am right, it wont be the first time that the church has tried to con people, re Michael Hayes, and the little business of them cutting his face out of a photo on a website and inserting a different mans face.

bvggodisnow said...

Thank you for your testimony ... may your spirit and soul be contentedly whole as wee destroy the Whore of Babylon

Anonymous said...

Also shared your story page & added your page link. See

Thank you for sharing and giving a voice also to others who might not be as strong to speak out.

NAME & SHAME the sick devils!

Church Survivors said...

Please note that the link recently posted by someone to Bourne Abbet/Rev Peter Lister is a link to a different person to one that we are campaigning about. Thanks. We found a couple of ACAL solicitors to be useful. Best wishes. Church Survivors.

lozzy0506 said...

the reason the statistics are so low is because , abuse in foster care in not recorded , they brush it under the carpet , it is still happening now and if you complain you are made to pay for it,you are told while the abuse is happening that if you do report it you are a foster child so who will belive you , the police do nothing , the social workers do nothing , and the complaints procedure do nothing , infact if you complain all the paper work is lost , its a case of shut up about it or you will lose all your children ,people need to know the system that is supposed to be there to protect children is wrong , it needs changeing , the very people who are meant to protect the kids are the abusers

shelly said...

i totally agreee with that last comment am still fighting them its wrong

shelleynobelly said...

firstly, i want to say that you are amazingly brave! I call childhood sexual abuse "murder most horrid" cos where the abuser leaves off, we ourselves carry on the harm cos we know no other way to live, hence self harm, suicide, abusive relationships, mental health problems....need i go on? all are linked.. Sadly not all of us are survivors, warriors, we just exist in our own scared existance, shut off from normal life and expectations. I wish peace for us all. Much love and hugs to you brian x x

The many family Blogs of Mary Hughes said...

I was luck I had a good mum and Dad they had no money but did there best for us, I ended up in children home when my mum was having my brother, my dad could not look after us and go to work, there was one woman in there who hated my brother and she went to hit him, we had to shake the mat by our bed and he was to small, as she lifted her hand I stood if frount of him and told her I would tell my dad when he came to vist, we were left alone then, when my mum came out of hospitel she came and took us, we only had one room and there was my mum and dad and 4 children, reading this makes relize how lucky I was,


Brian hi we spoke on the phone you went through hell as a child and it takes a lot of guts to do what you are doing child and adult abuse needs to stop now and i would like to honour you for soaking up the abuse of others you are one fine man and yes it ruins your life.

my wife went through the same things as you and it made me understand a lot more about my wifes abuse when she was in care in sisters of nazzereth house in glasgow in the 70s 80s keep up the campaining would love to meet you on a rally soon all the best sorry but sunderland still cant play footie lol andy

Nikky44 said...

As a victim of abuse, I understand exactly how you felt, how you may be still feeling. The only difference Brian is that I'm not done with it :(

bill said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bill said...

dear brian
what append to you was terrible their was a lot of child abuse in 1980 in the north of england keep writing bill

Unknown said...

As most of you are aware, the worldwide peaceful protest against child is scheduled to take place on the 6tth March 2012. In response to Robert Green been wrongly imprisoned for a charge of “So called breach of the peace”, wheels are now in motion to take this protest up a notch or are just a few protests that are happening on the 6th March: Belfast Stormont Castle, Belfast City Hall, Cardiff, Welsh Assembly Hall, Edinburgh, Scottish Parliament Building, In London, Downing Street, Houses of Parliament and the Cabinet Office, Craiginches Prison Aberdeen. We need your help to make this work. People who are protesting outside of Craiginches Prison, will be joining hands around the outside of the prison to illustrate their support to Robert. We are encouraging others in their respective towns and cities to do the same on the 6th March. To illustrate how this would work, imagine if those who were protesting in London, all held hands reaching from Trafalgar square to the Houses of Parliament, up to Downing Street and back up to Trafalgar Square. One voice for the kids will be holding hands around the outside of the Scottish Parliament Office. This will show how disgusting locking Robert Green away is and also, it will also signify the day of change.
We must have people in huge numbers for this to work effectively. It must be done without violence. Use this platform to build up meaningful dialogue between the groups and organisations who take part. You can’t have change if you do nothing to make the change happen. 6th of March is the day when we all demonstrate our numbers.
What’s the alternative? Is there one? Ask the victims, see what they say. Listen to them, really listen to them. It is them and the people around them that have to deal with their wrecked lives while some pervert fulfils a fetish or a yearning for power.
How long is it going to be before cases like Baby Peter don't even make the news or is that already happening? Dead is still dead while perpetrators walk free. Is this the society we have become? With your help and support, this protest can and will help to change a child’s life and their future but, only if we stand shoulder to shoulder and unite. The first step is to get the groups working together, which is why the Peaceful Protest was created. Get involved. For more information, please visit our websites or you can email our press team manager Andrew Peacher via: or, alternatively, you can contact Andrew on: 01507 477 433 (during normal office hours 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri)

Child abuse is preventable, not inevitable. Show your support and join in.

Here are just a few of the organisations that are taking part in the protest:

Action Against Social Services, Families Fighting For Justice, Grandparents Apart UK, SAVI – East Kilbride, Parents Injustice Group Scotland, Hollie Demands Justice, Glasgow Women’s Rape And Sexual Abuse Centre, Global Fighters Protecting Children UK and many more.

For further information, please visit or find us on Facebook. Alternatively, you can contact us by telephone on; (08456) 976881 (during normal office hours 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri)​events/252738388104766/
You can give the kids a Voice

Deborah said...

No human being should ever have to go through anything like what you went through. I have only had to deal with things out in open society that affect me... I could not imagine, I will not let myself imagine having to be subjected to these tortures within the confines of walls where I could not escape... I am so sorry for you and others who have suffered torture at the hands of those who think they have the right to abuse and neglect...

I am with you, I feel your pain, I support your endeavors; that you do all that you do is amazing to me and I hope that you will feel some justice in the end once someone starts paying attention to what really should happen.

keep up the good work, we are in the millions... we will be heard! love to you and yours...

Bron said...

Nice to know someone is writing there story and it gives us strenght to realise and to have friends that are willing to unite against the system that is hurtfull and sadistic. The help should of been given to your mother but going through similar situations as being a single mum the help is not offered or the wrong help is given even though it may be deliberate or accidental. They complain on paying benfit to single mums but when they pay it to strangers that are going to act in a sexual or abusive way it ends saying to me natural love between mother and child is not what they want but sepeartion and causing more child trauma. All parents get to breaking point and scream they are leaving and have had enough but the thought of knowing that a sadistic group of adults will be hoping this happens as they have another target for there misery and always a vunerable child becomes the target of an adult that hase little concern for ones wellbeing but sees a child as a lesser being and if they do not have a parent that is shrewd this often becomes the case. I have seen many social worker unqualified for working with children and realise dysfunctional children keep there industry booming.

butlincat said...

hi Brian - the Musa case - the removal of 6 children via totally proven false allegations, plus numerous other crimes against this Nigerian family once resident in Haringey, N. London, such as no contact visits for the eldest daughter now 11 for over 18 months FAVOUR MUSA - the contact visits ceased illegally after she reported to her parents her sexual abuse by RYANE BASSETT at her 1st foster placement home 18 months ago, and then she subsequently disappeared. I have reported her missing + complained 3 times to the Chief Con of Dorset Martin Baker and also Dorset police, + every MP, EuroMP and scores of authority agencies and figures inc. the Queen all of whom have ignored this sexual abuse and disappearance of a child, then aged 9, plus all the other outrageous crimes.
This in itself is just 1 aspect of this shocking case where abhorrent crimes have been committed against Bishop Gloria Musa + husband + father Chiwar + their 6 children by H'gey council, H'gey police and the judiciary + legal types + many more, all conspiring and colluding to committ outrageous crimes. NOT 1 WORD HAS BEEN SAID ABOUT FAVOUR FOR OVER 18 MONTHS since she reported her abuse, and Chris Booker has written 14 articles for the Sunday Telegraph on this case alone since mid-2010. Please tell the world of this cruelty which is just the tip of the iceberg!! More at - tks...jg
This is the video of what happened when the Musas shouldve been present at their 12 Jan Interim Care Order hearing @ the Royal Courts of Justice:
-...tks...butlincat ::

happydays said...

This, and many more of the atrocities committed against children and families every day are CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. It is the most pressing issue concerning the Human Race today. Forced Adoption is nothing less than blood line genocide. In the future, we will look back, as with the Nazis, and wonder how they ever got away with it. ~Not to worry though, The spirit is rising, and we will leave no stone unturned.

shirley said...

Hi Brian,
I am choked up reading about the abuse you suffered as child.My heart goes out to victims of child abuse when children should be allowed to live a life of trust,care and love.As to these sick Paedophiles,they are cowardly individuals who chose to abuse,manipulate vulnerable children.It's about time the Government stop what's happening in our Country!
Bless all victims of child abuse

Daniel Cole said...

Haringey Social Services MASS PROTEST AGAINST SOCIAL SERVICES, Justice for Hollie Greg, and Baby P, and FREE ROBERT GREEN !

3RD MARCH 2012

kerry caterpiller paterson said...

your amazing and strong and a true fighter may you continue to work and fight for the justice of all abused children and kids in care x we all have a voice and your our voice keeping fighting

kerry caterpiller paterson said...

your amazing strong and powerful conintue to do the good work for us kids in care and those who have been abused x

Big E said...

"No child is made ugly by the unhappiness of its beginning."

Keep the faith Brian, true friends will never fail you, and your own strength will see you through to a happy ending....Respect, my friend :)

Anonymous said...

i have read all the posts on here and i find you so amazing buddy you have been put through one end of a long long road of abuse and you have come out the other end fighting for others i think you are doing a amazing job and wish you love luck and happiness most of all i hope the scares will heal one day and you can get peace from the past bless you x

Anonymous said...

i have read all the posts on here and i find you so amazing buddy you have been put through one end of a long long road of abuse and you have come out the other end fighting for others i think you are doing a amazing job and wish you love luck and happiness most of all i hope the scares will heal one day and you can get peace from the past bless you x

Karen said...

Dear Brian

This is extremely harrowing to read. I identify to a certain point as I was sexually abused by a GP over a 5 year period growing up and then destroyed as an adult woman (and mother) in the same area (reputation slated behind my back - I also had significant health issues which were not addressed. I wonder how many others this GP abused. Wishing u the best of luck with ur endeavour to find justice - do u think abuse on this scale still goes on in care homes?

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Actions For Justice ( AXJ ® ) has been created for and by its founding members to protect children and families around the world, and to publish the truth that Main Stream Media ( MSM ) will not publish about human developments and events. AXJ ® receives live news feeds and comments from its members world wide 24/7/365 and reproduces them on multiple servers in multiple countries in real time.

The Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational and scientific purposes, including for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as an exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.


Unknown said...

Nice piece. Factual and without emotion. Well done. I only know you for a couple of months, but it is obvious you know exactly how I feel. I as well have abused in my childhood and the effects in my adult life have made my scared and disfuntional. I am learning to trust you and the things you say are motivating me to want to help others. When I mention my doubts you offer me the support I need. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

philipmovies said...

My heart goes to you Brian and to all those children who are victims of state sponsored institusionalised abuse. I just listened to you on Critical Mass Radio and your story is heartbreaking. The crimes against you and others are not forgotten and the perpetrators will receive the full force of the people's justice. All the best. Philip

beecoz3001 said...

Dear Brain.

Well for once I am lost for words!Your story has touched my heart Brother. Like you I have been dealt some terrible cards. Whatever I was going through I was believed there were people "out there" in a worse position than me and you have proved it and yet all you want to do is help people, you Brother Brian are an inspiration. I understand you not trusting people, I feel your energy will change that fact eventually my friend for you are a very strong character who will attract strong energy your way, never give up warrior. If I cand ANYTHING to help PLEASE just let me know.

Thank you for letting me know about this, so brave of you, love you Brother, Stay Well Brain.

Coz. x

beecoz3001 said...

Dear Brain.

Well for once I am lost for words!Your story has touched my heart Brother. Like you I have been dealt some terrible cards. Whatever I was going through I was believed there were people "out there" in a worse position than me and you have proved it and yet all you want to do is help people, you Brother Brian are an inspiration. I understand you not trusting people, I feel your energy will change that fact eventually my friend for you are a very strong character who will attract strong energy your way, never give up warrior. If I cand ANYTHING to help PLEASE just let me know.

Thank you for letting me know about this, so brave of you, love you Brother, Stay Well Brain.

Coz. x

simon: of the elder family said...

Heart-rending tale of abuse there Brian and all you other folk who've suffered. I am hopeful that EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) may be a way of helping to repair the mental scarring. I hear that it is very effective at treating post traumatic stress disorder in veterans. And it sure removed my phobia of wasps. As long as you don't feel that you want the memories any more, this might be worth a try

Anonymous said...
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nickki said...

Hi hun, thanks I'm on fb add me x

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

very sorry to read about your history of abuse in these so called places of safety i all so suffered about at the hands of social services so your not alone. the sad thing is that people dont beleave us and the authority's have covered a lot of these cases up

Church Survivors said...
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Church Survivors said...

Dear Brian and all, there is a new legal review process for child abuse survivors who have reported a crime but have had an investigation/legal proceedings stopped. The details are here:

Cases can be referred to the panel by individual complainants directly through a dedicated email address: - or by complainants bringing their previous complaint back to the attention of police forces or CPS Areas. Police forces and CPS Areas will refer cases to the review panel if they fit the panel criteria set out above.

Best wishes

ian said...

I have mental and physical scars from a community home i went to in the mid to late 70s, stanhope castle was a brutal torturous place to be when you are a child. everytime i report the past about this place it always gets covered up and never goes anywhere. there is an investigation going on that i can see is deliberatly going the wrong way. it is social services that has to be investigated as the staff at this place were employed by social services it was a borstal in the early days but the home office handed it to social services to become a community home but kept the same staff to run the place, the staff never changed anything it was run like a borstal but no longer a borstal. the school teachers were not qualified to be teachers so when you are 16yrs old no exams were taken. i sufferd broen ribs head and face smashed against a wall i have those scars with me today. many times i was hit with a cane upto 20 to 30 times in each punishment on bare flesh including back legs. locked in a small room upto 3 days at a time with no heating or light or food and water.

Unknown said...

Care for Seniors central priority is the client's sustained and enhanced quality of life. In doing so, this agency provides professional guidance in the home care and facility placement selection process every step of the way, if you want more info come and visit our website

Amelia said...

My dad was also in Stanhope around the same time, he's told me about being in there It was brutal what yous went through. Your a brave man!